Graduating seniors connect with employers at first-ever After the Tassel career fair
Thousands of students and more than 80 employers attending the first-ever After the Tassel career fair for graduating seniors.
Open house at The Spot showcases resources for young adults
On Tuesday, May 17, hundreds of partners, participants, and interested guests visited The Spot: Young Adult Opportunity Campus in downtown Louisville to get a glimpse into the workshops and resources the program is offering 16-24 year olds in the Louisville region.
When those closest to the problem lead the conversation
The National Fund for Workforce Solutions’ push to design human-centered workplaces is a welcome innovation that I’ve seen work in other fields.
Louisville one of eight cities awarded grant aimed at improving equity and job quality for young adults
KentuckianaWorks is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a Generation Work™ grant through the National Fund for Workforce Solutions and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This award is part of the second phase of Generation Work grants, which will center young adults of color to inform hiring, retention, and workforce advancement in our community.
What updated occupation data shows for the Louisville region
The latest occupation data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that some of the region’s most common occupations do not provide a living wage. Compared to other metro areas, Louisville has lower overall wages, even after adjusting for the cost of living.