Who We Are

  • Our Mission

    Engaging employers, educators, and job seekers with resources to build a stronger community through the dignity of work that satisfies needs, creates value, and inspires hope.

  • Our Vision

    A fully prepared and engaged workforce that is aligned with the needs of employers.

Our Values

More about us

KentuckianaWorks is the workforce development board for the Louisville region, which includes Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble counties. We are funded primarily by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) (through the Kentucky Education Workforce Development Cabinet) and Louisville Metro Government. 

We operate a regional network of Kentucky Career Center services that includes job and career counseling, training, resume-building and direct referral to employers. 

Our 2021 Strategic Plan lays out our priorities as an organization. We have also developed a Regional Plan for the Central Kentucky region's workforce as well as a Local Plan, both of which are required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

In January (Indiana) and May 2021 (Kentucky), we submitted a draft Bi-State Regional Plan for review. This plan, among the first of its kind in the nation, lays out a framework for KentuckianaWorks and Southern Indiana Works to share data and collaborate across the 13 counties that comprise the Louisville region. It is designed to improve the responsiveness to the needs of the region's employers, job seekers, and students.

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