What Manufacturing Can Teach Us About How Automation Impacts Jobs
Trade, globalization, and shifts in industrial organization have changed the type of goods produced in the U.S. and indirectly led to automation as advanced manufacturing becomes the standard. The impact of automation on manufacturing provides an interesting case study of how technology is likely to impact jobs in the future.
One-in-ten Louisville Young Adults Disconnected from the Labor Market
Youth disconnection is both serious and costly for young people and society itself. It is important to understand where the Louisville area stands on the issue of disconnected youth, who is most likely to become disconnected, and highlight some of the targeted strategies that have worked to reduce the rate of disconnected youth in the metro area.
Visualizing 170 Years of Louisville Employment History
Over time, the industrial landscape for any economy will change significantly. In this article, we review the share of Louisville jobs by each sector of the economy in the last 170 years.
$3 million JPMorgan Chase grant will fund new "Tech Louisville" program
Last week, JPMorgan Chase announced Louisville will be one of 5 cities to receive AdvancingCities grant, which will fund creation of new Tech Louisville program run by KentuckianaWorks.
What bank tellers can teach us about how automation will impact jobs
Automation is predicted to continue to significantly change the labor market. The impact of ATMs on bank tellers provides an interesting case study of what may be in store for other professions as technology substitutes for more and more tasks on the job.