
Diminishing federal funding for workforce development impairing Kentucky's labor force goals
According to a new report from KentuckianaWorks, after adjusting for inflation, overall workforce spending in Kentucky decreased by 6.8% between 2013 and 2017 from $1.1 billion dollars to $1.04 billion dollars, a decline of $77 million dollars. Much of this drop is a result of federal disinvestment in workforce spending.

Household Income Distribution in Louisville Visualized as 100 homes
The median household income in Louisville is $57,000. We've visualized what the income distribution of the Louisville, MSA would look like if there were only 100 houses.

Visualizing Louisville Earnings Levels by Age Group
Age plays an important role in the earnings trajectory of Louisville workers. Find out how old workers are when growth in earnings starts to level out.

What Manufacturing Can Teach Us About How Automation Impacts Jobs
Trade, globalization, and shifts in industrial organization have changed the type of goods produced in the U.S. and indirectly led to automation as advanced manufacturing becomes the standard. The impact of automation on manufacturing provides an interesting case study of how technology is likely to impact jobs in the future.

Visualizing 170 Years of Louisville Employment History
Over time, the industrial landscape for any economy will change significantly. In this article, we review the share of Louisville jobs by each sector of the economy in the last 170 years.