
The lasting impact of federal policy and discrimination on Black workers in the Louisville region
LMI, Equity Sarah Ehresman LMI, Equity Sarah Ehresman

The lasting impact of federal policy and discrimination on Black workers in the Louisville region

As we celebrate Black History Month and this year’s theme of African Americans and Labor, it’s important to call attention to the policies that limited Black workers’ access to quality employment in the past, and how the impact of those policies can still be seen in the unequal labor market outcomes across our region today.

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1-in-8 of the region's young people were disconnected from work and school in 2023
LMI Sarah Ehresman LMI Sarah Ehresman

1-in-8 of the region's young people were disconnected from work and school in 2023

Last year, nearly 17,500 youth and young adults in the Kentuckiana region were not enrolled in school and not working. Disconnection from earning and learning opportunities during these pivotal young adult years is costly for young people, taxpayers, and economic growth. The Spot: Young Adult Opportunity Center works directly with the region’s opportunity youth.

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